Magrath Fire Dept

Standard Operating Protocols Manual

New Fire Fighters

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  • Read the literature "So You Want To Be A Firefighter"
  • Review the following regulations of behavior:
    1. Attend all regular training meetings and additional special meetings as they are called. Let the person in charge of that meeting know if and why you cannot attend.
    2. Language and behavior around the fire hall or at a fire must not be vulgar, abusive or degrading to any person or thing. Any such actions will result in automatic dismissal of offender, at the discretion of the Fire Chief.
    3. All information about the scene of a fire or accident is considered confidential, and discussion of same with persons other than fire department personnel or others involved at the scene should be avoided, as some of this information may be of a legal or personal nature. Any question as to what information may be given out is at the discretion of the Fire Chief or Deputy Chief. News media must be directed to the person in charge of the scene for any comments.
    4. Only one person is to be in charge at a fire scene. In most cases, this will be the Fire Chief or the Deputy Chief. In cases where neither of these persons are available, usually the most senior person on the team will assume this responsibility and turn it over to the above mentioned officers as soon as they arrive at the scene.
    5. All firefighters are encouraged to come to the fire hall as often as possible for practice or orientation with equipment. Removal of equipment or apparatus from the fire hall (ramps not included) must be cleared through the Fire Chief or the Deputy Chief. Use of fire department materials (other than fire hall or fire truck water) must be cleared as well.
    6. Each firefighter is responsible for their fire gear regarding its location, cleanliness, and in reporting any damage or deterioration to those in charge. Borrowing of other firefighters gear shall only be permitted after approval is granted by that person.
    7. Each firefighter shall present a positive public image of the fire department to the community and the press. Any problems that arise within the department are to be addressed to the Fire Chief by direct communication, phone, or letter.
    8. Those firefighters not in compliance with the above regulations will be required to discuss the reasons for non-compliance with the Fire Chief. The Fire Chief will then decide what disciplinary action, if any, is to be taken.
  • Interested applicants can apply in person to the Magrath Town Office or complete the attached Application Form and forward to Magrath Fire Chief or Deputy Chief.

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